Healing and Dealing with Dental Phobias

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Getting Used to Wearing Dentures: 3 Ways to Prevent Gagging

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It can be hard to believe that 1 in 4 Australians over the age of 40 wear dentures. If you have just been given dentures, keep in mind that it does take some time for most people to get used to the sensation of wearing them. Your oral and facial muscles will need to readjust and learn how to keep the dentures in place. A lot of people may find that they experience a problem with gagging. Read More»

What You Need to Know About Clear Braces

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If you have crooked teeth, braces are designed to be the simple solution. There are different types of braces that you can choose from, but clear braces known as Invisalign aligners are the most preferred option for many. These braces are discreet and often times go without notice from others. This means that invisible braces are a great option no matter what age you may be. Before you choose to have clear braces fitted for your mouth, it is important that you are aware of all the little known details associated with this type of braces. Read More»

Should You Take Your Kids to Your Dental Appointments?

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Although many parents schedule their dental check-ups for times when they don’t have their children around, there is an argument that it is better to take kids with you when you see your dentist. However, you should take care to make sure that this experience is a positive one that helps children get used to the idea of dental treatment and being at the dental clinic. Seeing Your Check-ups Can Be a Positive Experience Read More»

Teeth Whitening While Pregnant: Is It a Good Idea?

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It’s not exactly a bold statement to say that pregnancy can place a lot of stress on a woman’s body. So it’s hardly surprising that pregnant women will want to do things that make them feel better while they’re expecting. Should teeth whitening be one of these things? There are many different theories as to whether or not teeth whitening should be performed while pregnant  and about the possible effects it might have on an unborn child. Read More»

3 Denture Care Tips That Won't Let You Down

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If you’re missing a few or all of your God-given teeth, whether due to dental infections, bad injuries or the natural aging process, replacing them will boost your facial profile as well as your overall health. That’s because today’s dentures can be designed to fit perfectly and feel more comfortable than ever before, thus improving your appearance and making it easier to take meals better than you could without the help of these dental replacements. Read More»

Regaining Necessary Functions: How Implant Overdentures Overcome Dietary Limitations

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It’s shocking, but 21% of Australian adults over the age of 65 did not have any natural teeth in 2010, according to a report conducted by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Although losing teeth is a natural part of aging, it can become quite a huge hindrance to one’s quality of living – particularly, one’s ability to consume certain foods and absorb sufficient nutrients. Getting dentures can help, but there are still some limitations involved with using dentures. Read More»

Treating Impacted Wisdom Teeth

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Impacted wisdom teeth tend to grow in at an angle, which can damage your existing teeth by causing overcrowding. When your teeth become overcrowded your jaw can move out of alignment and you can start grinding your teeth, which can cause further damage in the form of chips, cracks and enamel loss. Symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth include jaw pain, inflamed gums and bleeding when you brush your teeth. You should seek prompt treatment to prevent tooth damage if you think your wisdom teeth are impacted. Read More»

Frequently Asked Cosmetic Dentist Questions

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Cosmetic dentists specialise in fixing dental issues that hamper your ability to smile with confidence, which includes chipped and cracked teeth, yellow teeth and replacing teeth that a dentist has extracted due to injury or decay. If you are contemplating a visit to the cosmetic dentist for the first time, here are the answers to some commonly-asked questions to help you understand the services they can offer you: What Are Veneers? Read More»

3 Types of Tooth Extractions

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There are different reasons for tooth extraction but the procedure is mainly carried out to relieve dental aches permanently. The pain can be caused by severe decay or extensive physical breakage. Dentists usually favor this procedure as it is inexpensive and quick compared to other treatment options. Your dentist may also recommend tooth extraction if you are suffering from advanced periodontal disease, crowded teeth or abscess due to cysts. There are different types of tooth extractions and the recommended procedure will depend on your dental status. Read More»

How to Prevent Red Wine from Staining Your Teeth

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Red wine is delicious, but it also suffers from the justified reputation for very quickly staining people’s teeth. This is due to its blend of natural dyes, acids, and tannins—three ingredients which easily infiltrate the micro-pores of your teeth and temporarily colour your saliva. Nobody who enjoys a nice glass of red wants to see their drink of choice reflected in their smile. Luckily, there a number of ways in which staining can be minimised. Read More»