Healing and Dealing with Dental Phobias

Top Reasons That Lead To Tooth Decay

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Tooth decay is a complete nightmare for many people. A lot of things contribute to tooth decay, beginning with loss of minerals that are found within the teeth to bad eating habits. Sugary food contains acidic substances which, when trapped between your teeth, weaken the enamel resulting in tooth decay. Thus, the more sugar you consume, the higher the chances of having tooth decay.  Understanding the main causes of tooth decay is important so that you can employ the necessary measures to ensure that your teeth are better protected. Read More»

Teething a Second Time: When the Development of Adult Teeth Causes Discomfort

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The idea of living tissue within your body being dissolved sounds like something out of a horror movie, but this is precisely what happens when permanent, adult teeth develop. As adult teeth begin to erupt from the gums, their vertical growth essentially dissolves the root structure which anchors the deciduous, baby teeth above them. The deciduous teeth then become loose before detaching entirely, making space for the emergence of the permanent tooth. Read More»

What to Know About Dental Sedation for Children

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Though most children will not need to have major dental work that requires sedation, some may have to. For example, your child may have autism or severe anxiety issue that would make normal dental work difficult for them. In these cases, and cases of oral surgery, your children’s dentist may make a suggestion of using dental sedation. There are several misconceptions when it comes to this option for children. Here are a few things you should know about dental sedation and your children before you choose the option. Read More»

5 Ways to Protect Children's Oral Health

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All parents want their children to be strong and healthy, but during the chaos of the early years, it is easy to forget about the importance of oral health. Whether your child is a delicate newborn or a rowdy toddler, these tips can help you take care of their teeth and gums.  1. Establish an Oral Hygiene Routine Right Away As soon as your child is born, you need to take steps to protect their oral health. Read More»

Two ways to avoid serious complications if you develop a dental abscess

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A dental abscess is a type of infection which causes a sac of bacteria-filled fluid to form somewhere inside a person’s mouth. If left to fester, this condition can eventually lead to serious complications, such as sepsis and bone infections. If you ever develop a dental abscess, here are two steps you can take to prevent it from causing any major complications. Get the abscess treated by a dentist as soon as possible Read More»