Healing and Dealing with Dental Phobias

Foods That Can Help You Stop and Reverse Tooth Cavity

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Tooth cavity, tooth decay, or dental caries are all names that describe a soft, decayed area in a tooth. There are misconceptions out there that once your tooth starts to decay, you cannot reverse the situation. Some foods, though, can stop and reverse the decay process. Causes of Dental Caries A popular theory is that tooth decay occurs due to bacteria and food. The proponents of this theory claim that bacteria feed on high-sugar foods, and, when this happens, they produce acids that eat away the teeth. Read More»

5 Benefits of Using Acrylic Instead of Porcelain for Your False Teeth

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When you need to wear dentures, you’ll often be given a choice between using a denture that is implanted with acrylic false teeth or a denture that is implanted with porcelain false teeth. Porcelain is more expensive, which often leads people to assume that it is the superior material. However, acrylic false teeth actually come with a whole host of benefits. Here are just five. 1. Acrylic False Teeth Are More Durable Read More»

4 Reasons Why Limiting Your Coffee Intake Will Improve Your Oral Health

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If you’d like to give your oral health a bit of a boost, one thing that you can do is cut down on your coffee intake. Nobody is saying that you need to give up your morning cup entirely, but there are a number of reasons why your smile will thank you if you stop drinking mug after mug each day. Here are just four reasons why you should curtail your coffee consumption. Read More»

4 Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing Between Invisalign and Veneers

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If you’re concerned about the way your teeth look, there are a number of paths you can take to correct the problem, and Invisalign and veneers are two of the most popular options. Each option comes with its own benefits and drawbacks, so you’ll really have to think about which one will best suit your own particular needs and wants. Here are four key considerations to take into account. 1. Are You Concerned with More than Crookedness? Read More»

Do You Suffer From Bruxism? Here's How a Dentist Can Help

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Some people may think that there is nothing that can be done to help them in case they suffer from bruxism (nighttime teeth grinding). However, different remedies exist to help sufferers of nighttime teeth grinding. This article discusses some of the measures that may be taken by a dentist to help you if you suffer from bruxism. The Diagnosis Process Dentists usually try to find out what exactly may be causing you to grind your teeth at night. Read More»