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Brushing Up: A Guide to Good Oral Health

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Having a bright and healthy smile is something many people desire, however sometimes a treatment of orthodontics may be in order to correct crooked or misplaced teeth. When professional dentistry is required there isn't much that you can do, except go ahead with the treatment. Yet there are a number of simple home remedies that could improve the look of your smile, and perhaps even delay the need for a trip to the dentist. Following these basic brushing tips can help to whiten teeth and reduce unsightly tartar buildup. 

Keep It Simple: Brush and Rinse

The best way to maintain your oral health is to simply brush your teeth with good quality toothpaste with fluoride. Ensuring that you brush each tooth in multiple directions, including the molars and the back of your teeth will kill off odour and tartar causing plaque. Plaque is a slimy film of bacteria that builds up over time as a by-product of food debris and day-to-day germs. Brushing for two minutes both in the morning and evening is sufficient to kill most of it off. Failing to remove plaque can cause it to harden which then becomes a hard yellowy substance that stains teeth and has to be removed with abrasive toothpaste or a simple procedure at the dentists. 

Make sure you spit the toothpaste out regularly to remove any bacteria and food debris from your mouth, however don't rinse with water, as the toothpaste will continue to work after you finish brushing. Although because of its own ability to kill bacteria rinsing your mouth with mouthwash is perfectly acceptable and makes a good addition to your brushing routine. 

In general, a brush just won't work well enough in between the teeth. As an extra addition to your brush and rinse, try using dental floss. It's safe and painless to use and helps to dislodge any built up food between the teeth that can harbour bacteria and cause bad breath. If you don't like using floss then having a handy supply of cocktail sticks is worthwhile. In countries like Sweden toothpicks are often expected in restaurants, as it allows customers to remove any bits before they become lodged and to keep their teeth cleaner throughout the day. 

Using a good quality manual or electric toothbrush is as important as the quality of the toothpaste you use. When the bristles become sparse or compressed buy a new one to replace it. Soaking it in mouthwash on occasion will also help to keep it clean, whilst keeping it standing upright will remove excess moisture and stop it from collecting germs from the kitchen sink. For more information, contact experts like those at Williams Landing Dental Clinic.
